"Aspects of linguistic contact in Latin votive inscriptions of western provinces: the case of the plural divinities"
Plural Theonyms, Phenomenon of Linguistic Contacts, Endings in -bos / -ims, Linguistic-Religious Conservatism, Epichoric LanguagesAbstract
The author proposes the analysis of a group of mixed inscriptions dedicated to plural divinities discovered in provincial contexts of the Western Empire in which it is possible to find aspects of linguistic contact between epichoric languages and Latin. The votive inscriptions belong to advanced stages of the Romanisation process and bear a theonymic formula where it is possible to find two types of epichoric endings: one of Indo-European origin in *-bhos and one of Germanic origin in -ims. The use of epichoric endings in the theonymic formulas was probably due to aspects of conservatism of religious nature.
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Professional standards and ethical policies
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As an implicit condition for publishing in Palaeohispanica, authors are expected to adhere to all the ethical and professional principles that are shared across all research fields and academic publications. By submitting a contribution for peer review, potential authors guarantee that their work is original, that it constitutes a significant contribution to its research field and has not been published elsewhere.
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