Lengua e identidad en la Hispania romana
Language and identity, Latin., Palaeohispanic Languages, Language Shift, Termes., Saguntum., Inscriptions and Coins from southern Spain., Lusitanian InscriptionsAbstract
This paper examines from the point of view of identity some literary, epigraphic and numismatic evidences illustrating the use of palaeohispanic languages during the times in which they coexisted with Latin (2nd cent. BCE-1st cent. CE). Without excluding the possibility that in some
cases the use of these languages may have indeed identity implications —as in the famous example of the Celtiberian epitaph of Ibiza (K.16.1)—, this paper attempts to refine the interpretations somewhat anachronistic and excesive that have been proposed for other documents, such as the passage of Tacitus concerning the murder of a senator in Termes (Ann. IV, 45). It attempts also to explain the conditions under which occurred the language shift, mainly voluntary, through which Latin became the dominant language in Hispania in the context of the western Mediterranean and of the Roman Empire in general, with particular attention to the different regional and cultural patterns, by examining examples such as coins and inscriptions from Saguntum or from southern Spain, or the Lusitanian inscriptions.
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