Claudio Eliano y el funeral descarnatorio en Celtiberia: Reflexiones críticas a propósito de Sobre la naturaleza de los animales X, 22
Up the present, the Celtiberian funerary ritual by exposure to the vultures that Claudius Aelianus shows in De natura animalium, X, 22 has been accepted without any discusion in base to consider the reading vaccaei (absent in all the manuscripts), in order to explain the whole problem. In this article our aim is to hold a different hypothesis of research to clear the guiding lines of the critical panorama and to combine in adequate manner the historical and philological issues.
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Professional standards and ethical policies
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As an implicit condition for publishing in Palaeohispanica, authors are expected to adhere to all the ethical and professional principles that are shared across all research fields and academic publications. By submitting a contribution for peer review, potential authors guarantee that their work is original, that it constitutes a significant contribution to its research field and has not been published elsewhere.
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