Privacy policy

Names and email addresses submitted to this journal will only be used for tasks related to the journal and will not be shared with any third party or used for any other purpose.


In accordance with the Regulation UE 2016/679, information gathered by the Institución Fernando el Católico de la Excma. Diputación de Zaragoza (IFC) will be used for carrying out the functions of an academic publication, the handling of claims, appeals, complaints, suggestions, surveys as well as any other activity involved in the management of the journal.


Cubic Factory is in charge of handling said data. They can be contacted at

Data can be given to public agencies with the relevant competencies and in case of legal obligations.


Those who are interested can exercise their rights of access, correction, suppression, limitation of the use, opposition and portabilityby contacting


Users can also go to the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos to make any complaints that they feel is necessary.

User information will be kept during the period in which it is needed to complete the task for which said information was provided in the first place or for the period necessary to comply with any legal obligations. Once a given objective has been completed, personal data that is not part of fulfillment of public service will be blocked until the applicable period has ended.

The IFC’s privacy and data protection policy can be consulted at It can also be found in the journal’s the top navigation menu: