Towards a systematization of Palaeohispanic scripts in Unicode: synthesising multiple transcription hypotheses into two consensus encodings
Palaeohispanic scripts, Unicode, Iberian, Celtiberian, Southwestern inscriptions, Espanca abecedaryAbstract
This work is a unified version of two proposals submitted to the Unicode consortium in order to encode the Palaeohispanic scripts. In the first section we briefly present these scripts and we justify the need to create two different standards to encode them: north-eastern Iberian, which will also include the Celtiberian script, and southern Palaeohispanic, which will include the south-eastern Iberian script, the south-western script and the Es-panca abecedary. In section 2 we describe the specific characteristics of the north-eastern Iberian script, the main conventions used to transcribe it and, finally, we propose the selection of meaningful variants to be encoded as the standard script; the criteria to justify this choice are also explicitly ex-pounded in this section. Finally, section 3 is devoted to describing the spe-cific problematics concerning the southern Palaeohispanic scripts, whose decipherment has not yet been fully achieved. Likewise, at the end of this section we propose the set of all meaningful shapes to be encoded as the standard script.
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User information will be kept during the period in which it is needed to complete the task for which said information was provided in the first place or for the period necessary to comply with any legal obligations. Once a given objective has been completed, personal data that is not part of fulfillment of public service will be blocked until the applicable period has ended.
Ethical and confidentiality policy of Palaeohispanica can be consulted here.