Cib. ‘sea eso’... ‘o bien sea’... Morfosintaxis céltica en el bronce de Córtono (K.0.7: ll.1-2)
The study of deverbative conjunctions (Chapt. I.2: OIr. os ‘while; and’ and W. os ‘if’ from IE sonts ‘being’), and in particular of those with disjunctive function (Chapt. I.3: OIr. ro-d-bo ‘that it may be’; MlCo. boneyl ‘be it otherwise’; etc.) together with the observation of various remnants of the optative (Chapt. IV: W. (car)u=t; ¿OW. boi(t)?; Gaul. nitixsintor; ¿CIb. bintor?) in the Celtic languages leads to the interpretation (Chapt. III) of CIb. oboi and al(l)aboi as a correlative disjunctive conjunction formed by a petrified 3rd-pers.-sing. optative b(w)oi(t) of the verb ‘to be’ preceded by the same CIb. pronoun o- that appears in oskuez and, respectively, by Celt. alla- ‘otherwise’.
In addition, some comments are offered (Chapt. II) on various other lexical items found in the same inscription: <bu.n.ta.l.o.s> as a magistrate of the soil and natural resources; <> as a neuter sing. adjective *argantobed-yo-m ‘concerning the silver mines’ determining the neuter substantive *lougtu, CIb.<l.o.u.tu>, related to Gaul. lu tos ‘load’, the whole sintagma referring either to the mine-profits or to a share in the property of the mines; <a.ti.ko> either from *ant-iko- ‘the border-territory’ or related to NLL of the type *Atecia; finally, on <u.e.i.tu.i> vs. <u.e.i.z.u.i> and on <> vs. <s.i.l.a.bu.r>.
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