Lenguas indoeuropeas prerromanas en el Noroeste Peninsular


  • Juan Luis García Alonso Universidad de Salamanca




Place-names, Celtic, Lusitanian, Northwest, etymology


The existence of pre-Roman proper names from the NW of the Iberian Peninsula that may be analysed with certainty as Celtic names, of which I will introduce a few examples, must not be interpreted as an argument in favour of the Celticity of Lusitanian. Instead, we should take this as a proof that, besides Celtic, there was a Celtic penetration inWestern regions, very likely at a later time. I propose a type of bilingualism in wide areas of the West of the Iberian Peninsula at the coming of the Romans. This would be a result of the confluence there of different Indo-European linguistic traditions.

Author Biography

  • Juan Luis García Alonso, Universidad de Salamanca





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West Peninsular

How to Cite

Lenguas indoeuropeas prerromanas en el Noroeste Peninsular. (2019). Palaeohispanica. Review about Languages and Cultures of Ancient Hispania, 9, 163-174. https://doi.org/10.36707/palaeohispanica.v0i9.219