Celtic language writing matters in Hispania, Gaul and Italy


  • Patrizia de Bernardo Stempel Universidad del País Vasco




Spindle-whorls, Celtic Languages, Coin Legends, Orthography, Parre


The first of these three separate studies deals with the layout and contents of Celtic spindle-whorl inscriptions proposing, in particular, a new reading Kat‘te’uai for the ancient text from Parre and a new analysis for the longer text from Segeda. Object of the second study are the Celtiberian u vowels, their origins (IE inheritance, dialectal Celtic sound change, and graphic support after a velar stop) and their twofold notation, namely as

<ou> in addition to normal <u>. The third and last study explains the differ- ent sources of the palatal glides often appearing in topo- and ethnonymic forms. New analyses of several Old Celtic and Celtiberian forms are offered all through the article.


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Celtiberia. Cornisa Cantábrica. Occidente Peninsular.

How to Cite

Celtic language writing matters in Hispania, Gaul and Italy. (2019). Palaeohispanica. Review about Languages and Cultures of Ancient Hispania, 17, 251-277. https://doi.org/10.36707/palaeohispanica.v0i17.143

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