Common names in Iberian and their insertion within the sentence


  • Noemí Moncunill Martí Université Paris Sorbonne



Iberian, Epigraphy, Palaeohispanic Languages, Linguistic Typology, Ergativity, Common Names, Syntax


This work reviews some Iberian words that have been interpreted as common names on the basis of their systematic appearance on the same epigraphic support (e.g. gravestones, spindle whorls, a given type of vessel, etc.). For this reason, they are considered as an explicit reference to the object on which they are inscribed, either in a literal sense (= designation of the object) or in a figurative sense (= what this object means or represents for the user). Taking this hypothesis as a starting point, the paper studies the structure of the syntagma in which these names appear, and, secondarily, the structure of the sentence that contains them, in order to analyse the word order in Iberian. The conclusion is that these structures point towards an OSV structure, which differs from the order that had been previously proposed on linguistic typological criteria (SOV).

Author Biography

  • Noemí Moncunill Martí, Université Paris Sorbonne




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Ámbito Ibérico y Meridional

How to Cite

Common names in Iberian and their insertion within the sentence. (2019). Palaeohispanica. Review about Languages and Cultures of Ancient Hispania, 17, 141-156.